Friday, August 16, 2024


St. Mary's School is a Catholic institution affiliated with the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Washington and, as such, follows the Archdiocesan principles, goals and curriculum. To the parish and community, St. Mary’s represents a successful educational institution of academic excellence based in Catholicism. The pastor of St. Mary's Parish is the chief administrative officer of the school. The principal, acting in accordance with the policies of the Archdiocesan Board of Education, is the delegated administrative head of the school and is responsible for the immediate direction of the school and its instructional programs. The principal, teachers and staff form the faculty. St. Mary's School Advisory Board provides the pastor and the principal with assistance, consultation, and recommendations on matters pertaining to the administration and management of the parochial school and its physical facilities. St. Mary’s Home and School Association promotes communication to act as a bridge between the home and the school. The Home and School Association, in partnership with the faculty of St. Mary’s School, plans and facilitates social, service and cultural activities during the school year. Daily efforts are made to bring the students to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and His teachings, to develop an attitude of prayer and to foster a knowledge and an appreciation of our Catholic faith and heritage.

600 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20852
Phone (301) 762-4179
Fax (301) 762-9550

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