Saturday, May 18, 2024

Academics : Fifth and Sixth Grades

Our curriculum focuses on the development of the whole child. Departmentalization begins in the fourth grade and continues through eighth grade.

Classes are taught in a loving, supportive, Christian environment. There is a strong emphasis on faith development, and Catholic identity is visible throughout the school. Students are encouraged to learn about and practice the Catholic faith and to live this faith through community service and outreach programs.

Teachers use formal and informal assessments at all grade levels. Scantron Performance Standardized Assessment is used from Kindergarten through Eighth grade and is administered in at the beginning of the year, mid year, and at the end of the year..

Writing portfolios are integrated into the language arts curriculum at all grade levels, allowing students to monitor their progress in writing each year.

Fifth and Sixth Grades

Religion: In the middle grades, the religion curriculum emphasizes Catholic teaching through a foundation in the Mass and Old and New Testaments with support from The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Students attend mass weekly with the parish community. They participate in school-wide masses and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students continue to memorize Catholic prayers. The Family Life program is introduced at this level.

Language Arts: The language arts program is a literature-based program with a focus on vocabulary development and reading comprehension. Grammar, spelling, and mechanics are an integral part of the writing program. The students continue to maintain the portfolio begun in kindergarten.

Mathematics: The math curriculum stresses operations with fractions and decimals. As students progress they learn pre-algebraic concepts.

Science: Science instruction builds on concepts and techniques introduced in the earlier grades. The scientific process is used for student hands-on investigations. The students are taught critical reading strategies which apply to more technical material.

Social Studies: Social studies programs include topics of history, civics, current events and geography with a strong emphasis on appreciation and respect for the various cultures that comprise the world population.

600 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20852
Phone (301) 762-4179
Fax (301) 762-9550

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